Zinnia : Zinnia elegans


~Get out of your rut~

Zinnia flower essence offers us the remembrance and felt sense of how time and lineage move through circular phases instead of straight lines and linear ruts. Our conditioning can be a powerful force of tension and density that pulls us into habitual fixations and repetitive behaviors that become deeper and deeper grooves that are challenging to get out of. This is partly because they become so ingrained that they’re unconscious. Zinnia helps us become aware of these ruts and aware of the truth that, with practice and strong intention, we can actually lift out of them whenever we want.

Comes in a 1/2 ounce stock bottle

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Zinnia opens us to the fullness of our being that is multidimensional and not bound or fixed to momentary constraints or excessive self-concern. It’s an that reminds us that our daily existence is the experience of the continuous nature of beauty of creation even when circumstances and situations seem heavy, solid, and immovable.Our personal and collective journey is not a process of past to future, but instead a set of continuous cycles.

On the personal level, our lifetime and phases of growth from childhood through to elderhood are accessible to us at all times throughout of life journey. We can learn from our earliest experience even in adulthood. We may gain new perspectives at any moment and new meanings may arise as we shift awareness and awaken greater understandings.

Zinnia essence can connect us with the simplest moments of joy and innocence in childhood as well as the greatest wisdom of elderhood and bring these together to aid our ability to meet the present truth of our momentary circumstances with balance and skillfulness.

Zinnia will also aid our awareness to the resistances we have to understanding and knowing ourselves within the fullness of time. The small “self” lives in duality and with narrow vision of the whole, often for reasons that are based in our conditioning and beliefs about who we are in relation to culture or collective agreements that may or may not align with our inner “Self.” Living of the feeling of fullness of time can feel weird or uncomfortable especially if our conditioning to survival has been not to do so.

Zinnia essence helps us learn how to identify those heavy resistances and move away from them towards more lightness and relaxation of being. It also opens us to learning what steps and practices will be helpful for us to develop the skill and strength we need to create new patterns and move out of old ones.

Dosage: This is a stock bottle so can be taken directly by the drop; 1-3 drops under the tongue or in water 2-3x per day or as desired. It can also be used to make a dosage bottle if that is a practice you're familiar with.

This essence is a “stock” bottle. A stock bottle is a dilution of the original “mother” essence made by taking 7 drops of the mother and putting it into a 60:40 ratio of spring water to alcohol and potentizing it by shaking. This stock bottle can be further diluted into a dosage bottle by taking 3 drops of the stock essence and putting it into 1/2 ounce of spring water.

Ingredients: Zinnia flowers in Spring water and Brandy

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