Oxeye Daisy :Leucanthemum vulgare


~Nobility and Grace~

Oxeye Daisy is a plant of the Blessed Mother in her form as Queen of Heaven or “Queen Mother.” This essence puts us in touch with our inner nobility, the nobility that comes from our deepest, most inner center, located in the solar-plexus, where we will find we have the power and capacity to grow and excel by taking full and sacred self-responsibility. This is at is the core of our humanity regardless of social status, an aspect of ourselves that often gets lost by external conditioning.

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Nobility, in the ordinary classist sense, is thought to be something that we inherit from our ancestors, but true nobility it is not exclusive to only certain people, nor is it about superiority over others. There is a noble aspect within each of us. This is a phase of the Blessed Mother or Goddess that steps into her role as the embodiment of grace and mysticism. We see many iterations of the Queen of Heaven across time and culture: The Virgin Mary, Innana, Astarte, Venus, Hera, and more.

This nobility lives in all of us at our shining center like the yellow center of the Daisy. The color yellow tells us that it is something that resides in our solar plexus, in the depths of our viscera, located in our upper belly. The solar plexus is itself a complex center of radiating nerves, branching from all directions from the abdominal aorta. In Sanskrit it is called the “Manipura” which translates to “city of jewels.” This area of the body is considered the center of our personal power.

Oxeye Daisy flower essence supports our ability to feel into this area of our body and soul as well as establish contact with the grounding and clarity that comes from it. It enables us to know that we have agency and belonging from a deep place within that cannot be changed or impacted by external forces whether that be others, circumstances, indoctrinated belief systems, or cultural imperatives.

Dosage: This is a stock bottle so can be taken directly by the drop; 1-3 drops under the tongue or in water 2-3x per day or as desired. It can also be used to make a dosage bottle if that is a practice you're familiar with.

This essence is a “stock” bottle. A stock bottle is a dilution of the original “mother” essence made by taking 7 drops of the mother and putting it into a 60:40 ratio of spring water to alcohol and potentizing it by shaking. This stock bottle can be further diluted into a dosage bottle by taking 3 drops of the stock essence and putting it into 1/2 ounce of spring water.

Ingredients: Daisy flowers in Spring water and Brandy

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