Motherwort : Leonurus cardiac


~ The Milk of the Heart~

Motherwort flower essence allows us to have a sense of courage and confidence that comes from knowing that we can be vulnerable and still be ok and that we are capable of meeting the challenges we face and responding to them from our own strength and agency. That nothing can really harm us because we are inextricably linked to the infinite. This essence supports our sense of trust that is connected to the archetypal or mythical “mother” and the infinite nourishment, like mother’s milk, that comes from this Source. Motherwort essence shares with us a sense of being infinitely “safe” regardless of perceived or real threats allowing us to move through life centered, clear, and relaxed while still maintaining a solid ability to respond to changing circumstances.

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Motherwort is also a boundary essence and its name, Leonurus, means “Lion’s tail.” Motherwort resonates with two primary areas of the body; the heart and the pelvis as well as the lower lumbar vertebrae and sacrum. This essence is both about boundaries and assertiveness that comes from being centered in the deep belly and having a clear, rhythmic channel of flow back and forth from the heart through the center of the body down into the base of the pelvic bowl.

Motherwort is native to the Mediterranean but grows in temperate regions all over the world. Its name says it all about this plant as it’s associations with Lion/Leo correspond to the heart, courage, strength, and passion. Its common name, “Mother herb”, corresponds to its associations with the pelvic area, the uterus, the menstrual cycle, and childbirth. Medicinally it is often added to postpartum formulas to ease after-pains. It is also known to ease heart palpitations caused by anxiety related to hormones.

As a flower essence Motherwort offers us confidence that is sourced from our blood lines and in particular our maternal bloodline and mitochondrial DNA. The rhythm of the heart facilitates the flow of blood throughout the entire body and the heart, as well as the lungs,  and is linked into the polyvagal nervous system that runs all the way down to the colon from the brain stem. Motherwort essence aligns the energetic structures that run between the sacrum and pelvis up to the heart and back again so that the heart can find it’s natural rhythmic pattern of passion, creativity, and the courage to express both of those into the world.

Motherwort essences also aids us with birthing of any variety. Birthing, along with death-ing, is a major initiatory event. Birth is death and death is birth, both invite us into our capacity to surrender to natural forces. Motherwort supports our sense of trusting these forces so we can allow them to proceed unhindered by our fears of not being safe, of not belonging, of not having or being enough.

Also noticed that the seeds of Motherwort, second photo, are held in such a way as to make the alchemical symbol for Earth. This signature represents Motherwort’s “Earth” vibration that holds and grounds us in the soils and underground webs of creation.

Dosage: This is a stock bottle so can be taken directly by the drop; 1-3 drops under the tongue or in water 2-3x per day or as desired. It can also be used to make a dosage bottle if that is a practice you're familiar with.

This essence is a “stock” bottle. A stock bottle is a dilution of the original “mother” essence made by taking 7 drops of the mother and putting it into a 60:40 ratio of spring water to alcohol and potentizing it by shaking. This stock bottle can be further diluted into a dosage bottle by taking 3 drops of the stock essence and putting it into 1/2 ounce of spring water.

Ingredients: Motherwort flowers in Spring water and Brandy

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