Black Locust Flower Essence


Black Locust, Robinia pseudoacacia, flower essence made from spring water and 40% Adirondack Vodka crystal filtered through Herkimer Diamonds.

Keywords: balance, focus, clarity, protection, action, boundaries

Black Locust blossoms in late Spring with it’s flowers producing an intoxicating, sweet scent that waifs anywhere near it. The leaves have sharp thorns that grow paired at the base of the leaves making this a sworded protection essence.

Black locust holds a the paradox, like many thorned plants, of an attractive beauty with a sharp edge like the yin and the yang or the polar forces of masculine and feminine.

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I often interpret the energy of thorny plants and trees with the suit of swords in the tarot and the planet mars in astrology.

The suit of swords symbolizes pointed, clear presence and action as well as distinct and potent protection. Mars brings us to action as well, and although it can invoke conflict, if properly channeled, generates inspiration and action towards our intentions and goals. Both the swords and mars symbolize the martial arts that, when practiced, integrate our knowledge of self, body, and movement with integrity and relation to our boundaries so that we can live with presence and ease in right relation with our self and others.

Black locust essence provides balance, protection, and appropriate action in times of change where a breakthrough is required to begin the initial movements. These can be times when we’re ready and able but just need that last spark, motivation, or synchronicity to happen for a new cycle to begin or to activate a new pattern in our lives. Black locust supports us with it’s spines of centered resolve and it’s sweet scented gentleness.

Comes in 1/2 ounce glass bottle with dropper