Rosa Canina : Dog Rose Flower Essence


~Made on the Summer Solstice in Southern Italy with Strega Liquore~

Rosa canina essence builds a bridge of trust and love centered in the heart that allows us to become conscious of the ways we dilute or completely put out the fire of our passions and move or shift into the inspiration and joy that will feed them.

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~Made on the Summer Solstice in Southern Italy with Strega Liquore~

Rosa canina essence builds a bridge of trust and love centered in the heart that allows us to become conscious of the ways we dilute or completely put out the fire of our passions and move or shift into the inspiration and joy that will feed them.

~Made on the Summer Solstice in Southern Italy with Strega Liquore~

Rosa canina essence builds a bridge of trust and love centered in the heart that allows us to become conscious of the ways we dilute or completely put out the fire of our passions and move or shift into the inspiration and joy that will feed them.

Rosa canina, or the Wild Dog Rose, is native to the Mediterranean. As a white Rose its planetary ruler is the Moon although Roses in general are ruled by Jupiter. It’s essence is a vibrational remedy for habitual patterns of despair, emptiness, and indifference because of conditioned responses to being in the joy of our dreams, our heart-centered openness, and a place of unconditional love. Sometimes these responses are so ingrained that we aren’t conscious of them. We may have a pervasive, chronic sense of unhappiness and despair that has led us to form a belief that nothing we do matters or “why bother?” We may also just feel low energy and apathy. In some instances it can feel, on the surface, like a form of contentment but at the cost of our goals, art, life purposes, and personal or collaborative missions.

Rosa canina helps us move away from these patterns of defense and fear that have caused us to shut down, become apathetic, defeatist and close our hearts and minds avoiding the risk of being creatively engaged with our passions and in deep connection with all others including plants, animals, the living landscape, and other humans.

Rosa canina lifts our spirits, soothes the heart, and directs us toward our inner source of vitality. In a sense it wakes us up to our creative fire.

1/2 ounce stock bottle

Ingredients: Spring water, Rosa canina flowers, Strega Liquore (made in the Italian city of Benevento from 70 different herbs including Ceylon cinnamon, Florentine iris, Italian Apennine juniper, Samnite mint, Saffron and Fennel).