Michaelmas Daisy/New England Purple Aster


~ Stretching into sorrow~

This essence supports our relaxation into grief that will enable us to move forward on the path of the living after we lose a loved one or have to let go of something or a situation that we are deeply attached to. It does so by loosening our armor where it’s been tightened and twisted from pain, sorrow, and a sense of separation, so much that we have been inhibited in our growth. It softens areas of body, mind, and psyche we wall or harden up when overwhelmed with sorrow or grief and increases our capacity to be with those feelings in a receptive, responsive, and transmutational way. Michaelmas Daisy holds us safe and protected while allowing the circulation to begin to flow again making space for us to trust our ability to participate fully in our experience of loss and to deeply stretch into them as sacred sources of energy and connection.

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~ Stretching into sorrow~

This essence supports our relaxation into grief that will enable us to move forward on the path of the living after we lose a loved one or have to let go of something or a situation that we are deeply attached to. It does so by loosening our armor where it’s been tightened and twisted from pain, sorrow, and a sense of separation, so much that we have been inhibited in our growth. It softens areas of body, mind, and psyche we wall or harden up when overwhelmed with sorrow or grief and increases our capacity to be with those feelings in a receptive, responsive, and transmutational way. Michaelmas Daisy holds us safe and protected while allowing the circulation to begin to flow again making space for us to trust our ability to participate fully in our experience of loss and to deeply stretch into them as sacred sources of energy and connection.

~ Stretching into sorrow~

This essence supports our relaxation into grief that will enable us to move forward on the path of the living after we lose a loved one or have to let go of something or a situation that we are deeply attached to. It does so by loosening our armor where it’s been tightened and twisted from pain, sorrow, and a sense of separation, so much that we have been inhibited in our growth. It softens areas of body, mind, and psyche we wall or harden up when overwhelmed with sorrow or grief and increases our capacity to be with those feelings in a receptive, responsive, and transmutational way. Michaelmas Daisy holds us safe and protected while allowing the circulation to begin to flow again making space for us to trust our ability to participate fully in our experience of loss and to deeply stretch into them as sacred sources of energy and connection.

Named after the archangel Michael, there are several species of Michaelmas daisies around the world. This, the New England Purple Aster, embodies the blessings of St. Michael and his powers of protection and healing. The energies of the Archangel Michael correspond to the god Mars, guardian of agriculture and god of war or martial arts.

The art of sacred combat is really the art of being in deep resonance with our own unconditioned nature and/or being in “the zone” where we are completely relaxed and able to clearly determine our next move. When we experience loss, vulnerability, and a sense of separateness from the totality of life and the universe, we can become overwhelmed and anxious. This leads to the tightening and hardening of our natural defenses which, if it becomes habitual, can limit our ability to continue to be open to an embodied life and expression of our natural Self.

Sorrow and grief are sacred and potent experiences and they can transform our lives when we are able to integrate their powers in a way that allows us to reorient after a great loss and continue to live forward on the path of life. Grief is not something that needs to go away or that we need to “get over,” it’s an aspect of being alive and human, grief is what makes us human and our emotional and sensory experience of grief, along with joy, is what enables us to expand into human fullness.

Dosage: This is a stock bottle so can be taken directly by the drop; 1-3 drops under the tongue or in water 2-3x per day or as desired. It can also be used to make a dosage bottle if that is a practice you're familiar with.

This essence is a “stock” bottle. A stock bottle is a dilution of the original “mother” essence made by taking 7 drops of the mother and putting it into a 60:40 ratio of spring water to alcohol and potentizing it by shaking. This stock bottle can be further diluted into a dosage bottle by taking 3 drops of the stock essence and putting it into 1/2 ounce of spring water.

Ingredients: Michaelmas Daisy flowers in spring water and Brandy

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