Della Medicina Scholarship Info

We are providing these scholarships in order to make these teachings as accessible as possible to those with financial need. If you’re not sure if you qualify please see the below guidelines.

These guidelines are created by fellow herbalist Alexis J. Cunningfolk.

Do these statements ring true for you?

  • I frequently stress about meeting basic needs & don’t always achieve them

  • I have debt and it sometimes prohibits me from meeting my basic needs

  • I rent lower-end properties or have unstable housing

  • I do not have a car and/or have limited access to a car but I am not always able to afford gas

  • I am unemployed or underemployed

  • I qualify for government assistance including food stamps & health care

  • I have no access to savings

  • I have no or very limited expendable income

  • I rarely buy new items because I am unable to afford them

  • I cannot afford a vacation or have the ability to take time off without financial burden

* Basic Needs include food, housing, health care, and transportation.
** Expendable Income might mean you are able to buy coffee or tea at a shop, go to the movies or a concert, buy new clothes, books, and similar items each month, etc.